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Missing Group Poll functionalities
Missing Group Poll functionalities

Discover the missing functionalities in Doodle and find workarounds in this article.

Ashley Young avatar
Written by Ashley Young
Updated over a week ago

Long-term users of Doodle might have noticed that certain Doodle functionalities that used to be available are no longer there - This article presents some of these features and gives suggestions for workarounds that could work for you in the absence of the desired functionality.

We are working hard on returning some of these functionalities. Anything in particular you'd like to see again? Let us know here.

Surveys (text polls or questionnaires):

Currently, we do not offer the option to create surveys, text polls, yes/no surveys or questionnaires. With Doodle, you can create Group Polls, 1:1s, and Booking Pages. Please note that editing/reusing old text polls is no longer available.

Multiple final options:

Currently, it is not possible to select multiple final options for your Group Poll. You can select one final option per Group Poll.

Printing your Group Poll.

Currently, it is not possible to print your Group Poll directly from Doodle. However, Doodle Professional users can export group poll response data to an Excel file which you can print.

Exporting your Group Poll to an Excel file is a Doodle Professional feature.

Limiting participants to one vote:

Currently, it is not possible to limit each participant to one vote in your Group Poll. If it fits your use case, you can use Doodle's 1:1 tool instead. With Doodle's 1:1 each time slot can only be selected by one participant. When the participant has selected a time slot, the meeting is instantly booked.

Unlimited 1:1 is a Doodle Professional feature.

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