You can cancel your Doodle Professional subscription simply by disabling automatic renewal.
Turn off auto-renewal
You can turn off the auto-renewal option at any time in the 'Subscription' section of your account settings.
Open your account settings
Click 'Subscription'
Click 'Cancel subscription'
Confirm your selection by clicking 'Cancel subscription' in the popup window
Your current subscription will be automatically canceled once it expires.
Please note:
Your Doodle Professional subscription will be automatically renewed each year or month, depending on your subscription type.
You will still have access to your paid Doodle account through your paid term.
Click here to learn more about what happens to your group polls, 1:1s, booking pages, and sign-up sheets when your subscription expires.
Do I qualify for a refund?
Doodle users who wish to cancel their subscription qualify for a refund if they meet one of two criteria:
Annual subscribers can request a full refund up to 14 days after purchase
Monthly subscribers can request a prorated refund at any time throughout the month by law
For more information, please review our General Terms & Conditions.
Delete your Doodle account permanently
The use of a basic Doodle account is completely free. If you really don't want to use your account, you can delete it as described here. Deleting your account will remove all your data from our database.
Only you can delete your account. We cannot do this for you.
Deleting a Doodle account also deletes your Doodle Professional subscription, if you have one.
A Doodle Professional subscription can not be recovered after it is deleted.