Let us know what you think about the new Doodle Dashboard 📣
You can switch to the old dashboard if you are not ready to make the switch to the Dashboard Beta.
Switching from the old dashboard to the Dashboard Beta
Switching from the old dashboard to the Dashboard Beta can be done in two clicks.
Click the ‘Switch to Dashboard Beta’ button on the top right of the screen
Confirm the switch by clicking ‘Switch to Dashboard Beta’ on the popup window
Switching from the Dashboard Beta to the old dashboard
Click the ‘Switch to old dashboard’ button on the top right of the screen
Confirm the switch by clicking ‘Leave new dashboard’ on the popup window
Good to know
No updates made to the Dashboard Beta will be made to the old dashboard
Sign-up sheets that you have created are not accessible from the old dashboard
You can create sign-up sheets from the old dashboard from the banner at the top of the old dashboard
Sign-up sheets created from the old dashboard can be managed from the Dashboard Beta