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Reglas del horario de verano para 2025
Reglas del horario de verano para 2025
Christian Baker avatar
Escrito por Christian Baker
Actualizado hace más de 2 semanas

La adopción del horario de verano (DST) varía internacionalmente, con diferentes países comenzando y terminando el horario de verano en fechas distintas cada año. De hecho, la mayoría de los países no observan el horario de verano en absoluto. Esto puede complicar la programación de reuniones, especialmente reuniones recurrentes entre equipos internacionales. Pero no te preocupes, ¡Doodle está aquí para ayudarte!

Con Doodle, todas las reuniones se ajustan para coincidir con tu zona horaria. Así, aunque una reunión ocurra entre equipos que siguen reglas de DST diferentes, Doodle ajustará la zona horaria para reflejar con precisión la hora de inicio correcta.

Sobre las reuniones recurrentes

Doodle no programa reuniones recurrentes directamente. Sin embargo, los usuarios de Doodle pueden hacer que una reunión sea recurrente en su aplicación de calendario, como Google Calendar, Outlook o el calendario de iCloud (Apple). Una vez que el evento esté en tu calendario, tu aplicación ajustará el horario de verano en función de la ubicación de los participantes. Si trabajas con colegas o clientes internacionales, esto puede significar que algunas reuniones recurrentes se programen en horarios inusuales debido a las diferencias en las reglas de DST entre países. Es importante revisar esto con antelación a tus reuniones recurrentes. Si no estás seguro de si tus reuniones se verán afectadas por el DST, consulta la tabla a continuación (ordenada alfabéticamente por países que participan en el DST).


Si un país no aparece en la tabla, significa que no participa en el horario de verano.

Mejores prácticas para organizadores de reuniones

Doodle recomienda los siguientes consejos para que todas tus reuniones – incluidas las que ocurren durante el horario de verano – se lleven a cabo según lo planeado, con todos llegando a tiempo y preparados:

  1. Conecta tu calendario a tu cuenta de Doodle.

  2. Configura un recordatorio en tu calendario para informar a los participantes sobre cualquier cambio de horario antes del ajuste del DST.

Reglas del horario de verano por país

Las áreas mostradas con el mismo color comienzan y terminan el horario de verano en menos de una semana de diferencia.


Notes or exceptions


DST Start 2025

DST End 2025

Akrotiri and Dhekelia

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Australian Capital Territory

1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00

Bosnia and Herzegovina

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


Except Yukon, most of Saskatchewan, parts of British Columbia (northeast), Nunavut (Southampton Island), Ontario (Atikokan), and Quebec (Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent

1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00

Chile, except Magallanes Region

1 hour

September 7 at 24:00 UTC−04:00

April 6 at 24:00 UTC−03:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 01:00

Czech Republic

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

April 26 at 00:00

October 26 at 24:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Faroe Islands

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


Only Pituffik Space Base

1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00


Except Pituffik Space Base and east coast of National Park Guernsey

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Isle of Man

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 02:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Jervis Bay Territory

1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Lord Howe Island

30 minutes

October 6 at 02:00

April 7 at 02:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


Only Baja California and municipalities near the U.S. border except in Sonora

1 hour

March 13 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 03:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

New South Wales

Except Lord Howe Island

1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00

New Zealand

1 hour

September 29 at 02:00 UTC+12:00

April 7 at 02:00 UTC+12:00

Norfolk Island

1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00

North Macedonia

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Northern Cyprus

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 10 at 02:00

October 26 at 02:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Republic of Cyprus

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00

San Marino

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

South Australia

1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00


1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

Turks and Caicos Islands

1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00


Excluding occupied territories

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

United Kingdom

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC

United States

Except Arizona [without Navajo Nation] and Hawaii and U.S. territories

1 hour

March 11 at 02:00

November 3 at 02:00

Vatican City

1 hour

March 30 at 01:00 UTC

October 26 at 01:00 UTC


1 hour

October 6 at 02:00

April 5 at 03:00

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